Water and Wastewater

Monitoring the water network and energy efficiency

We provide you with the software that helps minimise wasting water and improve water distribution, paving the way for an intelligent water network.

Monitoring the water supply network

IDboxRT is the solution for monitoring the water supply network and potable water treatment plants, water quality, energy consumption and other environmental parameters in buildings and infrastructures.

  • Remote and continuous monitoring
  • Diagnosis and anticipating problems
  • Prioritisation and maintenance operations management
  • Monitoring residential water consumption
  • Information to optimise the water distribution network
  • Water and service quality control

Monitoring the water supply network for the decision making process

Monitoring software for the water supply network, integrating all the available information, processing all the signals received and providing tools to make better decisions.

IDboxRT is based on collecting all types of data regarding water quality, consumption, energy consumption, as well as other external parameters (environmental, meteorological, infrastructure use, etc.) that help you in identifying if the use of water is being done efficiently.

Operational and energy efficiency in water supply networks and water treatment plants:

Urban and industrial waste water treatment plants, water purification plants, desalination plants, denitrification plants, etc.

Energy Efficiency

Our solutions are in line with energy saving policies and how users handle consumption, maintenance, etc.

Our solutions facilitate real time control of the main energetic indicators by centralising different sources of information: lighting, climate control, water, lifts, generators, etc.

We apply learning and prediction algorithms that help in reducing energy consumption in a sustainable, efficient and viable way. By applying measurement and verification protocols for the deployment of ISO 50001. Our Field Service platform helps in field work, providing great advantages in energy efficiency and performance of industrial machines.

  • Veolia
  • Ayuntamiento de Santander
  • Aguas de Bilbao
  • MARE
  • Engie
  • FCC
  • Aguas de Burgos
  • Cadagua
They rely on us Let´s start working together!

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