Internet of Things (IoT)

The internet of things, whose acronym is IoT, basically comes to mean the evolution of the internet. The basic premise is that any electronic device can be hooked up to the internet. At CIC we connect things transforming your world.

Imagine a universe of products, processes and intelligent services that communicate amongst themselves and with people by way of the internet.

From smartphones to smart meters to technological devices and sensors. All the above collect data, create efficiencies and reduce waste for both consumers and businesses. The internet of things will transform businesses and the world, opening a new era for economic development and competition.

In the end, IoT is a concept in which everyday objects, from industrial machines to portable devices, that use incorporated sensors to collect data and take measures regarding that data on a network.

IoT is, for example, a building that uses sensors to adjust the heating or the lighting automatically or when the maintenance people get alerts of a problem in real time.

The internet of things is the future of technology that will make our lives more efficient.

Why is the internet of things so important?

You´d be surprised how many things are connected to the internet and how much money can be made by the flow of data. Here are a few examples that the IoT can have for business:

  • Provides information and practical measures from the data.
  • Processes and transmits information in real time.
  • Supplies information to citizens through intelligent apps.
  • Intelligent electrical networks connect more efficiently to renewable sources, improve the system´s reliability and invoice clients based on their consumption.
  • The machine´s monitoring sensors provide a diagnosis and predict possible maintenance problems, parts shortages and can even programme your staff´s tasks.
  • Systems based on data of “smart cities” infrastructures that lead to more efficient waste management.
  • Intelligent transport solutions make traffic flow fluidly, reduce fuel consumption and prioritise auto repair programs.

CIC works on the IoT value chain, that goes from the definition of a business model (integration of sensors, prevention case studies, etc.…) to knowing specific infrastructure details, technologies and IoT.

Who is using IoT?

  • Manufacturing: this is one of the area that can benefit most from IoT. Integrated data collection sensors in machinery or on the shelves of a warehouse can communicate problems or track goods in real time, which makes it easier and more efficient to work and reduces costs.
  • Telecommunications: IoT will have a significant impact on the telecommunication´s industry, since it will save the data IoT will use. Smart phones and other personal devices must maintain a safe and secure internet connection so that IoT works effectively.
  • Automotive: from predictive maintenance to multimodal transport and enterprise mobility services, Internet of Things provides valuable services to the sector combining data analysis of the IoT. The IoT also affects transport on a larger scale: delivery companies can track their fleet using GPS solutions. Also roads can be monitored through sensors to keep them as safe as possible.
  • Utilities: smart meters not only collect data in an automatic way, they allow for the application of analysis by streamlining and managing energy usage. In the same way, wind turbine sensors can track data and use predictive models to programme inactive time, with the goal of achieving energy efficiency.
They rely on us Let´s start working together!

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