Oil and Gas

Achieve a competitive advantage in your sector with our software solutions for the Oil and Gas Industry.

Get increased visibility and know-how, improve your security, reduce your risks, optimise costs and manage the performance of your operating assets.

Transforms untapped data into proactive decisions.

With our software solution for the oil and gas industry we will be able to centralise all your information; for example turbine signals, reactor, refrigeration, temperature and other parameters from your boiler, the state of your filters, gas emissions, chemical, radiological and meteorological data, as well as other environmental parameters.

Know the state of affairs of your plants´ processes in real time. Know how much energy you are producing, making sure that your plants are working as they were designed to and achieving their production goals.

At CIC we cater to your needs with our software for the oil and gas industry

  • Plant monitoring and operational intelligence
  • Inspections management
  • GIS corporate management
  • Software for Energy efficiency management
  • Software for telecom private networks
  • Preventive maintenance software
  • Fleet management software
  • Bespoke app development

Build a predictive and more productive business

Our custom software for the oil and gas industry can help your staff detect any irregularity, no matter how small it may be, and solve it in real time.

Oil and gas logistics can be complex. At CIC we have a group of professionals that will assist you in delivering your products to their destination safely, thanks to our security systems.

Face the challenges that the oil and gas sector poses together with our software experts

Our team has ample experience and know-how in the oil and gas industry. We offer flexible solutions, oriented at active projects, customised and bespoke for your organisation to manage every process or project in real time.

We have a comprehensive service portfolio to support and optimise your businesses operations environment, extraction, refining, production, transport or sales of oil, gas, oil sands or other hydrocarbons.

industria del petróleo y el gas

  • Endesa
  • Viesgo
  • Gas Natural Fenosa
  • Cepsa
  • Engie
  • Gaselec
  • Repsol
They rely on us Let´s start working together!

¿Quieres saber más?

herramientas GIS

08 Sep 2020 · Energy efficiency

CIC Develops Tools Based on Digital Twins to Improve Efficiency

The Digital Twin concept is a virtual representation that serves as the real-time digital counterpart of a physical object or process.  The concept took flight with industry 4.0.  It is a digital, virtual and geospatial representation that serves as the real-time digital counterpart of a physical object or process, thereby...
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plantas de gas y carbón con inteligencia Industrial.

20 May 2019 · Industry 4.0

How to Maximize Value in Gas and Coal Plants with Industrial Intelligence

Some utility companies have been  overlooking viable ways to generate more value from their gas and coal plants.  How can they reduce costs and unplanned downtimes without increasing the risks? Utilities are facing the difficult task of reducing operational and maintenance tasks without risking a loss in energy production.  Achieving...
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