Electric power

At CIC we have over 30 years of experience developing software solutions and services for the Electric System. All of them have been designed to help energy companies to improve processes across their value chain, from producers to distribution and retail suppliers

We provide the wide Know-How acquired during these years of work and collaboration with main companies in this sector, which has allowed us to build several expert teams in key business processes for managing electrical measurement, assets, supplies and investments, as well as the entire revenue cycle of companies.

Our experience in software development for electrical utilities, make us knowers that this sector is in constant transformation. For this reason, our technology is evolving day to day with the aim of providing services and solutions adapted to the needs of each moment.

Our customers include world leading power utility brands including Productors, Distributors, and retail suppliers at a national and international level.

Software Development for the Electrical System throughout its value chain: Production, Distribution and Supply


The digital transformation of processes in energy generation companies is a fundamental step for the optimization, automation, and service guarantee of operational processes. This transformation has an impact on improving competitiveness and service, offering a series of opportunities for companies in the sector to minimize risks and achieve greater profitability.

We have developed a range solutions for the Electrical System such as a job manager and authorizations, a tool for fleet risk management, or real-time monitoring of the entire nuclear power plant park in Spain, using IDboxRT.


In an environment such as electrical distribution, in continuous evolution with constant regulatory changes and pressure to improve profitability, It is essential to intensify into the digital transformation, now supported by Industry 4.0 initiatives.

The application of BIM models during the entire life cycle of the assets, the integration of multi-vendor and multi-technology systems using abstraction platforms, the advances of connected worker technologies or field services, as well as the improvement in the customer service are a clear example of the variety of possibilities available for the optimization of processes in the field of electrical distribution.

CIC also have worked with several companies in this sector adapting y building solutions to comply with regulatory obligations, integration of SAP solutions within the existing systems map, or the management of electrical measurements including remote or local capture, to the availability of the biller as some examples of our capacity in software development for Electrical Power Sector.

Progress of Smart Grid and Smart Metering, and in general, the digitalization of the smart distribution network, allow us operational improvements that translate into a greater automation, integration, better efficiency and an improvement in the quality of electricity supply.

We are able to discover and predict network problems, locate them accurately, remotely measure the hourly electrical consumption by electrical meter, thanks to the information collected from smart meters.


The management of retail supply and customer service have the particularity of direct exposure to the end customer and forces companies to deepen in the cyber-security assurance, the use of smartphones, the efficient use of social networks and migration to cloud services.

  • Enel
  • Iberdrola
  • EDP
  • Gaselec
  • Estabanell Energía
  • Viesgo
  • Endesa
  • Red Eléctrica de España
  • Engie
  • Telxius
They rely on us Let´s start working together!

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Aplicación de la tecnología machine to machine (M2M) para la gestión y monitorización de la industria 4.0 - Desarrollado por CIC Consulting Informático

25 Feb 2020 · Industry 4.0

Applying Machine to Machine (M2M) Technology for Administering and Monitoring Industry 4.0

CIC has participated in the Communications Book of the 6th Smart Grids Congress organized by Grupo Tecna Red and FutuRed, on December 12th, 2019 in Madrid. The Congress consisted of a master class, two round table discussions and 12 selected presentations (of the 36 sent to the congress).  The topics...
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