Last June 11th we had a webinar; “Evolution and Innovation for Dedicated Digital Networks Management” whose primary audience was aimed at the railway industry. Javier Salazar, product manager for SGRwin, hosted it and gave a historical overview.
SGRwin is a management system for digital networks transmissions made up of multiple manufacturers and technologies that has an excellent user interface and is used the world over.
Session organized by Railgrup Cluster
The Railgrup Cluster, which has members in Spain, Israel, France, Italy, Germany and other countries, has found in CIC, a partner for a webinar on digital networks management.
Railgrup has created more than 57 different online activities since March, giving CIC Consulting Informático the opportunity to head 5 of them. On April 3rd, Roberto Hidalgo – CIC Systems Manager, headed “Preparedness and Responses to Cyberattacks”. On the 15th of that same month, David Lanza and Abel Martínez – Manager and Person Responsible for LUCABDS, directed “The Power of Business Data Service”. On the 21st of April, Jesús Javier – Operational Intelligence Consultor and Person Responsible for IDbox Projects, headed an online breakfast titled “The importance of Operational Intelligence and Continuous Improvement”. On May 4th, Óscar López, Director General of FIELDEAS opened the session “Digitization in the Maintenance Field and Collaborative Models” thereby, closing the series with today’s presentation “ Evolution and Innovation for Dedicated Digital Networks”.
In this last session, we have dealt with the problem that the railway sector has with telecommunications management. The session was divided up into 4 key points: how to approach the problem; concrete cases; client references and a short SGRwin demo.
SGRwin is a management system for Windows networks developed by CIC and that works with Microsoft Windows.
One of the main problems that communications management normally has is that you have to take into account many different technologies, from different manufacturers and with varying age. Equipment can be old or new, or a mix, several screens are required to visualize alarms, setting up or managing equipment from different manufacturers require experts and many tools and different methodologies that are in constant evolution.
In a new infrastructure, equipment is not usually replaced, but enlarged. In the end we find a technological mix of old and new that are compatible, but that require multiple control screens and management software.
What technology is the railway industry using?
Many are used, from Train-Land communication, to remote units that we can find along the tracks to control traffic signals, barriers, track changes or information being sent to the trains, with timetables, messages to passengers, to on board announcements.
For all these needs, the technology used should not be different, for this reason it is important that the technology used be universal. The equipment used should be capable of packaging information, transmitting it, taking it to its destination, and unpacking it for it to be used where it needs to be used. Remote units that are being controlled in a control center and data acquisition, commonly known as SCADAS, receive the information that comes from these remote units.
SGRwin allows you to see all the information globally
SGRwin is a system that, homogeneously and uniquely, is capable of supervising your whole infrastructure irregardless of the manufacturers, networks or technologies you may have. It supervises to make work easier and optimize response times.
As we speak, manufacturers are beginning to build equipment that is hybrid, capable of being compatible with old and new technologies, which allows for a speedier transition from old equipment to new.
SGRwin allows users to have different security clearances and control servers: main and secondary; it manages circuits in a heterogeneous network composed of different technologies and manufacturers; works on the whole network regardless of the manufacturer and technology used and detects problems; therefore, you can visualize real traffic in order to take decisions at the highest level and it anticipates problems because you can visualize the network in real time.
Benefits of purchasing a tool like SGRwin
The original investment when purchasing SGRwin can be amortized very quickly.
Some benefits:
- Aumento del co
- Increased control
- Increased production of reports
- User´s capacity in decision making process
- Subcontract services
- Reduced times that positively affect network operating expenses
SGRwin is reliable, efficient, reduces operating costs with a quick return on investment and is in constant evolution.
SGRwin Clients

The green shaded areas are where some of our clients are using SGRwin and in blue are where our team is working on new business opportunities.
SGRwin is being used in 35 countries. 135 companies are using the product, of which 20% is the railway sector. (95 in Europe, of which 52 are in Spain, 15 LATAM, 5 in Africa, and 20 in Asia)

Some of our customers
Some Spanish customers include: Red Nacional Española (RENFE), Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (Adif),Ferrocarril Español de Vía Estrecha (FEVE), Ferrocarrils de la Comunitat Valenciana (FGC),Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB), Eusko Trenbideak (Euskotren), Ferrocarils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV), Metro de Bilbao, and more.
Some international customers include: Iarnód Éireann (Ireland), Network Rail (UK), Chemins de Fer Rouains (România), Metroul din București (Bucharest, România), Office National des Chemins de Fer (Morocco) and Dubai Tram (Dubai).
Adif´s optic fibre network is more than 10,000 km long and CIC manages more than 5,400 pieces of equipment. This project required us to adapt to the clients needs, in which we used a remote control system based on supervisory cards and monitorized electrical systems.
Of the Dubai project, David Salazar, SGRwin Product Manager, said: “In Dubai we collaborated with our local partner ATLAS Telecom who confided in SGRwin because they were familiar with it as it was already in place in the Metropolitan Transport system and the Dubai Airport ”.
Javier closed the online session with an open debate and a brief SGRwin demo.
We invite you to view a demo at [email protected].