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Predictive Dynamic Ampacity System in Aero-underground Lines
SPADI aimed to evolve towards the achievement of a safe, clean and efficient electricity system, through the development of Smart Grids. The project addressed 5 fundamental challenges for the achievement of a comprehensive predictive system of dynamic calibration in complex electricity distribution networks:
- Analysis of the applicability of the concept of dynamic calibration to underground wires, current ‘bottlenecks’ and limiting elements for the dynamic exploitation of distribution networks with aero-underground sections.
- Research in modeling and simulation (electrical and thermal) of underground distribution cables, which allow to determine the behavior of the asset in different environmental and operating conditions and, therefore, to set new ampacity limits against the conservative static limits imposed by the standard.
- Study and implementation of weather forecasting algorithms that allow short-term ampacity estimates, enabling an optimized operation of the network and circulated energy with maximum renewable integration.
- Development and piloting of new equipment and sensors that allow the models to be fed with the necessary information for an accurate representation of reality, as well as to supervise the impact of the new operating techniques on the insulating properties of the cables.
- Analysis, development and implementation of an information system capable of collecting all the variables and boundary conditions that determine the state and operating limits of the distribution network, for real-time decision making with the greatest knowledge of both the current and future state.
CIC role
CIC participated in this project as ICT expert, taking advantage of its long experience in providing applications development for utilities, knowing first-hand the critical points related to large volumes of information, requirement to update data and need for integrity and traceability of the same. CIC collaborated in the definition of the different sources of information and was in charge of the development of the computer platform for the dynamic supervision of assets.

The SPADI consortium was composed of 3 partners, VIESGO DISTRIBUCIÓN, acting as coordinator, LUMIKER, University of Cantabria and TECNALIA.

This project received funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Call RETOS COLABORACIÓN 2015, Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society Program.