05 Apr 2017 · News · Actualizada el 19 Aug 2021

SGRwin has been Chosen as the Network Monitoring System for Computer Equipment for PDH, SDH, Teleprotection and IP Networks.

SGRwin has been Chosen as the Network Monitoring System for Computer Equipment  for PDH, SDH, Teleprotection and IP Networks for Fingrid.

Fingrid controls the power transmission in Finland.

We have had the pleasure of having a visit from FIngrid in the offices of CIC Consulting Informático in Santander to celebrate a SGRwin workshop between the 27th and 30th of March.

Fingrid came to the workshop accompanied by Cinia and DNWP. Cinia is a service company associated with Fingrid and DNWP is a SGRwin international reseller.

The SGRwin team, directed by Javier Salazar, had the opportunity to work closely during these three days with the Cinia and Fingrid teams, building the bases of a successful future project together.

We would like to thank all those who attended the workshop for their hard work!

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